If you are like a lot of men you have always been wondering how to increase the girth of your penis naturally. This is something that many men want to know, but few have the answer to. Part of the problem is that many men are looking for a pill or cream that is an instant solution. While some of these may work for the short term (others not at all), they are not natural, therefore not something you should be doing to your body.
Instead, you should consider a method that will increase the girth of your penis naturally and for the long term.
Don't worry, you don't need to purchase any special items for this to work, you just need to use your hands and give yourself a little time every day for this workout.
What you want to do is teach your penis to build more cells to enlarge it. You can do this with pressure.
The exercise you will be doing is using your hands to start at the base of your penis and grip it. Then using pressure move your hands up the shaft to the head, adding light pressure each step of the way. The pressure should not be painful or uncomfortable, just enough to allow you to know there is pressure being added.
It is important to make sure you have the right technique for this to assure it works properly. For this you may want to do a little more research into the proper position for your hands and pressure to use.
If you stick with the program, you may see results in just a few weeks.
We all know that having a larger penis can be great for your self-confidence and the quality of your sex life, however, use extreme care in selecting any unnatural means of enhancement. Surgery, pills, and pumps can have extreme side effects - including impotence and even death. |